Rug Care: 7 Habits That Are Damaging Your Rugs

A1 Carpet Cleaning Eureka

(Image source:

A rug is one of the staple decorations that can be found inside a house. That’s not surprising since it adds depth, style, and warmth if placed properly in a given room.

It’s also quite durable. Inexpensive ones would usually last around one to five years, while the highest quality rugs have a lifespan of up to 25 years. That is, of course, if the owner takes care of the rug.

Although rug maintenance can be simple, a lot of people usually forgo it due to misconceptions surrounding the practice. More often than not, it only takes avoiding these seven common habits that are detrimental to your rugs:

1. Using Water to Clean Stains

When you spill something on your rug, do not attempt to clean it with water right away as it may worsen the existing problem. A stain like an oil-based ink or nail polish will permanently set on the fibers if you apply water on it.

Instead of applying water, try to dab the stain with a clean white towel to dry it as this will prevent further damage. Moreover, do not rub at the spot as you’ll only spread the stain.

In some cases, you can opt to use seltzer water to keep the area moist until professional help arrives. An expert rug cleaning service will solve your problem quickly while ensuring that the quality of your rug remains in top condition.

2. Failing to Conduct Proper Research

With the internet on our fingertips, people would often turn to the web to look for tips on how to clean their rugs. But some of the tips advised may do more harm than good.

To avoid this, try to verify the information on credible sites to see if the solution works well with the material of the rug. Cleaning companies would usually use a variety of cleaning solutions to clean a stain depending on the fiber of a rug. Using vinegar, ammonia, dish soap, or hydrogen peroxide is an option depending on your predicament. But again, do your research first before applying anything.

3. Too Long Between Cleaning

Similar to all areas in your house, your rug should be regularly cleaned as dirt and debris will accumulate on it due to foot traffic and other factors. Generally speaking, you should vacuum your rug at least once a week. If you’re too busy or lazy to handle it yourself, Rug Cleaning Melbourne or other local services may be able to assist you.

Due to the significant contribution that fur makes to rug debris, pet owners should increase that frequency to two or three times per week. In areas with high traffic, vacuum both vertically and horizontally, going over the entire surface at least four times and at least twice. As a stopgap, pet owners can look for memory foam beds for dogsthat would likely tempt their dogs to sit on their own bed rather than relaxing on the rug, eventually reducing the amount of fur that accumulates on the carpet.


4. Addressing Spills Late

When something gets spilled on your rug, try to blot it out immediately with a paper towel to avoid it from spreading and setting in. This is doubly true when the stain is pet urine.

Don’t rub or scrub at it. Instead, dab the urine out until the area is no longer moist. You can then use an enzyme-based solution that’s specifically designed for this type of stain and one that is suitable for your rug’s material. Alternatively, you can mist on an ammonia solution followed by a mix of detergent and warm water.

5. Using Colored Cloth

Do not attempt to clean a stain with a colored cloth as the dye might bleed onto your rug, further complicating the problem. Always use a white towel or paper towel to blot out the stain.

6. Too Much Solution

When applying a chosen solution, do not over-moisten the rug as it may cause rug discoloration. Simply mist the area and blot it out with a colorless cloth.

Repeat the process until the stain is removed. Also, make sure that no moisture is left on the rug once you’re done.

7. Too Much Exposure to UV Light

Placing your rug on areas that are constantly baked by the sun will cause discoloration and will turn the fibers brittle. To avoid this, try to be mindful of where UV light is streaming into your house and the pattern it follows when the season changes. Adding blinds and curtains to your windows and glass sliding doors would also do wonders when it comes to protecting your rugs. You can even look for custom curtains that can match your interior theme, wall color, and furniture. Moreover, there could be various options available in the market, including Motorized Blinds, wooden shades, shutters, solar shades, and more. So, you can do your research before opting for one that can help you manage the amount of sunlight that enters indoors.

Discipline and Basic Knowledge

Taking care of your rugs isn’t a complicated process, although it does involve a bit of basic knowledge and discipline on your end. Now, you can acquire the basic knowledge by asking around or reading up on blog posts (using your earthlink internet plans). But discipline is something that you yourself have to inculcate in your habit. For instance, you can learn from the Web that you should remove your shoes before entering your abode as it will ensure that minimal dirt gets in. But extending this practice when guests come over needs discipline.

Training your pets is also another way to ensure that they don’t have an accident involving your carpet. And if they did, don’t let the stain sit for too long.

And of course, having a professional clean your rugs from time to time will ensure that they last long. Diligent research is also needed on this front, especially if there’s a lot of competition in your local area. Try to find a company that friends and family can vouch for so you can ensure the quality of their output.

Become a professional window cleaner with these simple tips

Windows are an integral part of the design of any residential building, as well as commercial offices. The primary purpose of windows is to allow the bright daylight to enter indoors and instantly freshen up your day. It is important to maintain the windows to ensure their optimum utilization. Dirty windows are not a pleasant sight and they have an adverse effect. Keeping the windows clean is highly beneficial; besides the aesthetic value, it also adds to the hygiene factor. This article lists several tips that will help you to perform window cleaning in a more precise manner and the benefits of considering the alternative of leaving the hard task of cleaning windows to professional cleaning in Virginia.

The key to cleaning your windows like a professional is first to make sure you have the right equipment. Making some effort to prepare to start with can be highly beneficial. Once you do have the right equipment, it is a good idea to assess the dangers of cleaning the windows, depending on where it is. This is of more importance if the windows are located in a high-rise building.

Finding out different types of windows present in your city and understanding their design could help you in taking the best tools for cleaning along with you. A list of buildings can be made based on their windows’ type, like double pane, single pane, and Secondary Glazing Listed Buildings (you might need consent for working in listed buildings). After making the list, it might be important to know how to start the cleaning process. As an example, you can start by cleaning the space beneath the windows to make sure nothing is in the way and that no damage can come to the surface or anything below the window. The equipment you select to clean the window should be down with some thought and after considering all factors like the height of the window, the method in which you will access it, etc. It is a good practice to remove the dust with the help of a vacuum before washing it with water. It is best to take a big bottle of liquid that is easy to spray and wipe. One should be prepared for unexpected obstacles. There are many types of cleaning challenges; for example, for droppings by birds and insects, it will be necessary to make some effort to wipe it once the dropping is cleared. It is necessary to be careful when removing tough stains since it can easily scratch the glass

Why is it best to opt for professional cleaning services?

A lot of people try washing windows on their own. It is quite strenuous and can take its toll on the muscles, not to mention the fact that it can leave one mentally drained. It may seem like a straight forward task. However, it is, in fact, a long, difficult task that leaves one in sweat and dirt once done. Besides having to make a lot of effort, there is also some level of risk involved when cleaning windows or other parts of house exterior, especially when it is at a great height. To top it all, this type of cleaning will be necessary regularly for it to be effective. Not just windows, cleaning other parts of the house like a deck, roof, stone walls, etc., can be dangerous as well. Therefore, hiring a licensed professional for power washing apex (or in other locations) can be a beneficial service. Power washing can easily wash away dust, grime, algae, and molds through high-pressure water blasting without causing any damage to the house.

A professional window cleaner (such as those who specialize in office window cleaning london, for example) knows the ins and outs of the cleaning process, and they are experts at doing it. Keeping the windows clean is an excellent preventive measure against damage; it protects air quality and also helps maintain the energy efficiency of your home. Leaving this task to the professionals would mean you can save a lot of time and spend it on many other productive tasks. At the same time, hiring professionals for power washing in Northern Virginia means you can be sure they are 100% clean.

Your Home Is A Jungle: How Improper Cleaning Invites Creepy-crawlies Into The Home

We tend to think of our homes as islands cut off from the rest of the world. Where nothing lives except ourselves and our loved ones. But in reality we share our home with millions of little creatures – and not just bacteria. Some of them even live on us and our pets.

And while some of these creatures are a normal and natural presence in the house, others aren’t supposed to be there – instead, bad cleaning habits (or not cleaning at all) can “invite” them to come in and live in the house with us.

All of these creatures – normal or not normal – can make us ill if we don’t clean properly enough. Because a dirty environment gives them the chance to multiply, and in large numbers we begin to “feel” their presence, such as through allergies or other means.

For example, dirty swimming pool water can cause a slew of issues. If the water in a pool isn’t sparkling and clear, don’t even think about diving in. Not only does this condition imply poor maintenance, but the lack of visibility itself is also dangerous. It could become a breeding ground for a variety of bacteria, including E. coli, which could be lurking below. Furthermore, if the dirt keeps reappearing at the bottom of your pool after you’ve vacuumed it, your pool’s filter may be malfunctioning. Pool filters and leaking pipes frequently fail to function properly because they need proper cleaning or remodeling. In order to have a perfectly remodeled swimming pool in your backyard, all you have to do is look for swimming pool remodeling companies around the locations where you live. The experts can also help turn your ideas into reality and ensure that the project disrupts your life as little as possible.

Let’s take a look at some of the creepy-crawlies that call our home theirs, and what we can do to get rid of them.


This parasite lives in the stomach-lining of cats and dogs, and its eggs drop out through feces. Litter-trays and dog poop is therefore a hotbed for infection. The eggs can even “stick” to the paws of your beloved pets, where they are transmitted easily throughout the house. The scary thing about this parasite is, it is a mind-altering parasite. It can infect the brain, where it subtlety influences our behaviour.

It is important that you regularly and thoroughly clean up after your pets’ mess, and that you also clean their feet. Try to limit where they go in the house, and certainly discourage them from jumping up on the worktop (in the case of cats) or the couch. Wash your hands after touching your pet.


It’s a bit of a mystery, where this microscopic spore comes from. But it has a nasty habit of infecting water – even chlorinated water. Usually, you will instinctively know if a source of water is infected with it, as it will generally be dirty or contaminated. A major source of contamination is shower water, or swimming pool water.

Exposure can make you ill with stomach cramps and fever. This isn’t so much of a cleaning tip as a general awareness tip. If you have reason to suspect your water supply is contaminated with cryptosporidium, notify your water supplier.


Face mites

Mites live on your face. Yes, you read that correctly. At least two species, that aren’t even closely related to each other.

And while it is normal to have thousands of microscopic mites moving about, breeding, and eating around your hair follicles, not cleaning properly can encourage a boom in their reproductive cycles.

Too many face mites can cause acne and other skin conditions like rosacea; itching and hair loss. To get rid of them, use creams designed for oily skin in conjunction with tea tree oils and wipes, and try to wash your face several times a day. This should get down their numbers.

Dust mites

Up to 10 million of these tiny, microscopic spiders can inhabit an old mattress, where their excessive droppings can trigger allergies. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 5 people are sensitive to excessive dust mites.

You can get rid of them by regular damp dusting; washing fabrics at 60 degrees Celsius, and swapping the feces-laden mattress every seven years for a new one. If you are in the stages of picking a new one now, you can Click here as well as go into a local mattress shop to see what is available so you can finally get rid of your old mattress.


These tiny terrors need no introduction. In the summertime, and particularly at dusk, they like to gather around light and water sources, and feast on whatever sweet skin they can get their hands on.

If you have rising damp in the walls of your house, then it would attract a lot of mosquitoes. These insects thrive on moisture and warmth, which is why it is important to give your house a rising damp treatment. Not only would this protect your walls from rain damage, but it would also keep the mosquitoes from festering in your home.

A lot of bites are avoidable and also stem from the condition of the garden. A rundown garden, with refuse or rubbish, open sources and long grass, can all encourage them to breed and hatch – and make their way inside through an open window. Reduce their numbers by cleaning and cutting the garden; clearing any debris away, and eliminating/covering any likely breeding grounds.


These beasts are attracted to offal; crumps, leftover food and water, and live in cracks and crevices in old foundations. When they don’t get what they want, they leave “smear marks” that not only smell rotten but spread disease.

The best way to fight against cockroaches is to not encourage them in, in the first place. Clean up after eating, and especially check to see if there aren’t crumbs lying about. Once an infestation is established, it may be time to call in an exterminator. Options such as roach control services from Expest or similar service providers should be considered immediately to prevent the cockroaches from multiplying and get rid of them altogether. Regular vacuuming will work well to clear away the eggs.


Actually bedbugs are a sign of a clean home, as they love clean environments. They are actually common in affluent hotels and esteemed apartments – so think of the infestation as a sort of compliment (well, that’s one way to look at it anyway).

Bedbugs owe their success to their eggs’ ability to survive in transportation for long periods of time. So if you’ve stayed in a room that’s not your own – and especially if you’ve been to a hotel – isolate your clothes and case and check for eggs. Vacuum them up if you see them. If your home is already infested, call an exterminator.


Most ticks cannot survive for long inside – they are woodland creatures. Except for the Brown Dog Tick. If you’ve been on a long walk with your dog, and especially in a grassy or leafy area, give it a check for ticks. Like with mosquitoes, the garden is another culprit here. Keep your garden tick-unfriendly by pruning back any bushes and trees, and by trimming the grass short.

It is understandable if you don’t have the time to manage your front lawn or garden. In all such situations, getting in touch with landscaping experts can solve most if not all of your garden management problems. That said, HOA landscape management personnel or other similarly trained teams may prove to be a worthwhile solution.

Thus, a neat or well-maintained garden can prevent the tick population from getting out of hand, which means you and the pets can live a itch free life.

Ticks Infographic

This article was written by Neil Wright of Pure Freedom, a company that manufactures window cleaning systems for professional cleaners in the UK.

Tips for Easy and Effective Cleaning

A-1 Maid Service

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American usually spends at least one hour every day cleaning the house. Knowing how to keep your house clean between work, errands, parenting, and the other demands of everyday life can be one of the hardest lessons you learn in life. While it might be impossible to manage all the household chores and your office work, these easy and effective hacks shared by our friends from best vacuum expert will help you keep your house clean and your life in order.

1. Keep all your cleaning tools in the same spot

Keeping your collection of cleaning tools in one place will make things easy for you. You won’t waste any time looking for your tools when you want to clean, and you do not have to worry about assembling them before your next cleaning routine. Whether it is a tote, bucket, or caddy, having all your cleaning tools and products in one portable object will make it pretty easy to get the job done.

2. Sanitize your countertops and other surfaces

You can start by wiping down all the hard surface areas from appliances, countertops, and cabinets to light switches, doorknobs, telephones, and TV remotes. Remotes! The most important thing that you could lose easily, especially if you have lots of them for different appliances. A universal remote (like the ones available at VIZIO) seems to be a plausible option to consider in cases like this. This will not only save you from scourging your home for lost remotes, you will only have one remote to sanitize! Sanitizing some of these surfaces, especially the ones which may deliver germs to the faces and fingers of people. You can make a nontoxic disinfection substance by mixing apple cider vinegar with some water.

3. Focus on sinks, toilets, and tubs

Residential Concrete Trough Sinks, or any other bathroom sink for the matter, covered with hair and toothpaste splatters sink can look nasty. Spray a suitable cleaning product on your kitchen sinks and then on your bathroom sinks, toilets, and tubs. Allow it to sit for several minutes to give the cleaner enough time to dissolve all the dirt and stains. Return to your kitchen and begin scrubbing and cleaning toilets last. If you need to clean a little deeper, like in the drains, then you can always pour some bleach down there or if it’s something that’s more severe and requires a professional hand, then looking to MetroPHA home services might be a good idea. It is important to note that whenever you use the sink, try not to let any food particles go through the sink pipe which may happen if kids are around and use the sink improperly. If this is not checked, it could clog the drainage system and eventually lead to the sink overflow or a pipe burst. Therefore, setting a rule for the kitchen which includes proper waste disposal instruction like segregation of wet and dry waste can be useful. Moreover, you can keep the contact with services such as Sydney emergency plumbing and others like it in your locality that could help you out in case of an emergency plumbing disaster. That said, you can keep a container of some disinfecting wipes under the sink, so they are handy. Wipe your sink’s faucet and basin after you are done getting ready for your day.

4. Keep moving as you vacuum

To keep your house clean, you should invest in a handheld vacuum. Don’t worry about getting everywhere when you vacuum. You should keep moving through your house, running the compact vacuum in each carpeted room in a single pass. Some tasks do not require to be done every week. These include cleaning the windows, waxing the furniture, as well as washing bath mats and area rugs. Inspect these home accessories and make your decision.

5. Do at least one load of laundry every day

Doing one laundry every day is life-changing. You can put your load in before leaving for work. However, if your washing machine comes with a delayed beginning cycle, you can set it to run before you return home. Transfer all the damp clothing items to the dryer after taking dinner, and then fold them before you retire to bed. Putting away a single load of laundry will take a short time, and you can also do it before going to bed.

6. Clean up each time you cook

Generally, dirty countertops and surfaces can attract household pests as well as make your kitchen space look awful. You can load dishes in your dishwasher after snacks or meals and then clean or wipe your countertops. This task does not involve moving everything. Start by putting any food away, spray your cleaner, and then clean.

7. Clean the entire house

Cleaning is more effective if you pick a single task at a time like dusting, vacuuming, or mopping. You should do the same task in each room in your house to prevent you from feeling as if you are in a constant cleaning cycle, beginning the same job over and over again.

8. Make cleaning a team activity

One of the best techniques to clean your house fast is by making the cleaning routine a team effort. You can schedule a specific time with your family in advance and assign the tasks to every individual. Working together as a group can bring some fun to the cleaning routine, and your entire house will be tidy and organized within a short time.

Voted 2019 Best Carpet Cleaning & Cleaning Service In Humboldt County

Best Of Humboldt 2019 A-1 Cleaning Service

Thank you Humboldt County for voting us BEST in Humboldt again! This is our 3rd year in a row for Best Carpet Cleaning and for Best Cleaning Company. We also won back an old title for best cleaning company we’ve had before with the Times Standard Readers Choice Awards too. It’s been a really great year here at A-1 headquarters! We are all thrilled our team of pro’s have been recognized for their quality work. Your satisfaction has been our goal from the beginning and that will never change. So once more thank you Humboldt for giving us the opportunity to serve you for 24 years and for voting us Best Carpet Cleaning & Best Cleaning Service in HUmboldt County! We are more excited than ever to provide you with excellent service by quality people with cutting edge technology.

We always enjoy celebrating with our staff this accomplishment. Here are a few pictures from the party that the The North Coast Journal through for us besties.

Best Of North Coast 2019 PartyA-1 Cleaning Service Lady Pros Pose for  their picture on a red carpet.We took two categories this year. Best Carpet Cleaning & Best Cleaning Service.
Our Lady Pros Dressed for BOH 2019 Prom Night theme party.
BOH 2019 Best Of The North Coast Carpet Cleaning Award. William & Dianna proudly posing with their award for Best Carpet Cleaning and Cleaning Service in the North Coast.
William & Dianna Hardwick posing proudly with their 2019 award.
Best Of The North Coast 2019 winners proudly posing on the red carpet for best carpet cleaning and cleaning service.
The rest of the team posing on the red carpet.

Logistical And Financial Issues Not At Stake For Window Cleaning!

Window Washing Eureka CA

Window cleaning or window washing is the external sanitation of the constructed building appropriated for lighting, decoration, or left just as a structure. This work can be undertaken manually or through equipment easing the cleaning process in reaching the structure.  In modern times it is automation based.

As buildings became taller, the windows require cleaning advanced further – the trade of window cleaning matured in the 19th-century end when skyscrapers made an appearance. The danger involved in cleaning the tall windows became substantial. At the onset the worker stationed himself on the window ledge getting support from the window ledge and frame. The next stage introduced safety belts joined to anchor bolts. Scaffolds were the next to be introduced.

The possible danger in window cleaning is many. However, deaths are uncommon. The chances of accidents occurring intimidate the workers. If this happens, most falls are not fatal. Statistics show that the fall death rate is negligible.

Our credentials of work

We are full of self-regard about our work output. We are very approachable, cautious, and sensible and do not annoy neighbourhood residents. We extend professional high-rise window cleaning Sydneyfrontage window cleaning the best in the vicinity. Our gamut of work above your cleaning work. We communicate with each external building concern we see during cleaning.

All our employees possess

  • the relevant license
  • white card
  • security at height ticket
  • first aid certificate

We are the most accredited high-rise window cleaners. We are also certified for manufacturer accreditation to authorize and induct any height protection system on any structure.

Our meticulous and heedful team has relevant, impressive work experience in the industry. They have expanded their knowledge continually and are up to date about the immediate government legislation, industry code, and security training. All jobs are guarded, evaluated, and determined through safe work method practices. We possess total accident service and are capped by a public liability insurance policy.

Equipment approach to work

High-rise windows are not reachable, and discretion must be applied along with functionality in the choice of the equipment used. At times a combination of equipment such as roof anchor systems, roof access hatches, skylight protection, etc, comes into play. We have the following accompaniments with us.

  • Ladders
  • Supported scaffolding-it is a provisional platform where the worker can station himself. It has the foundation below and is not suspended equipment.
  • Suspended platform or bassinet- This structure is not settled below but is suspended through wire rope from overhead. It lifts or lowers the worker on demand. It is hand and motor-operated.
  • Aerial work surface-It is raised up a platform where the worker can stand and work. It resembles a lift. We also have a boatswain’s chair comfortable for a single individual. It is controlled by rope management.
  • Suspended platform-It can accommodate many workers and is motor operated

Our latest equipment makes cleaning work easy.

Our maintenance services

The maintenance services include the following:

  • Glass restoration – It is done to remove deposits and stains. The discoloured and stained windows begin to sparkle.  We clean chemical damages caused by acid rains, glass oxidation, hard water stain, and so on.
  • Blemish remover – We use modern technology for competent scratch removal as well as glass polishing.  Our cleaned windows gleam from both sides.
  • Pressure washing and soft washing – It gives wonderful results and is a lot in demand.

Rope access window cleaning or abseiling is doubtless the oldest cost-effective eco-friendly and efficient method of cleaning. There is the flexibility of postponement of work. Through this method, the workers arrive at the most complicated site on the structure.

A back-line keeps the worker safe and gives safety from falls. The damage to the property is minimum, and it is an eco-friendly method. The accident rate is minimum. However, accurate planning and registered danger assessment are done for each such work undertaken. d))),

Cat Owners – Flea Season Is Coming Around

Fleas and Cats

For cat owners, as we come toward the back end of spring and into May it is worthwhile remembering that we are entering “Flea” season. As temperatures climb after winter, fleas and other such parasites commonly found on pets become a real issue. We have to be careful to take precautions to make sure our pets and houses don’t get invaded by these dirty little invaders.

The season starts in May and runs through till September by which point frosty temperatures kill off fleas and end their life cycle. In the meantime our pets are usually spending more time outdoors in the better weather and are liable to accidentally pick up these parasites from long grass, hedges and from contact with other cats and dogs. This can be a huge problem as your cat might end up swallowing fleas infected with tapeworm eggs while grooming themselves. As a result, your cat can get a tapeworm infection that could deteriorate their health. You may then have to take them to your trusted Veterinarian who can treat the cat accordingly.

However, you might need to understand the life cycle of a flea to properly treat them. The stages are – Eggs, Larvae (further divided into three stages), Pupae, and Adult. Flea takes nearly two weeks to reach an adult stage. It might be beneficial to start with some home remedies in the beginning to prevent or break the cycle. You might have to look for some signs like constant scratching, skin redness, scrabs, irritation, Dry skin, etc. (source:

To reduce the risks of your cat or dog picking up fleas, now is the time to get a medicated collar on your pet or start administering drops – even if your animal hasn’t shown any signs of an infestation. If you prefer to use natural ingredients to treat cat fleas you could follow some of the tips given at If your pet is unlucky enough to pick up fleas then be very wary. If your pet spends time in your house and has a flea issue it won’t be long before the whole house is at risk and the problem becomes very difficult to resolve.

Here are some simple precautions you can take around the house to minimise the chances of suffering a infestation and to reduce the duration of the problem if it arises:

  1. Regular Vacuuming

The number one precaution you can take is to regularly vacuum your home and then empty the vacuum contents a distance away from your home – preferably as far as possible.

Ideally you need to be vacuuming every three days at a minimum. The aim of this is to pick up any fleas brought in by your pet and get them out of the house as soon as possible.

Fleas have a real short breeding cycle so it does not take long for any fleas on your pet to lay eggs. You want these eggs gone. Any that might fall off your pet need removal before hatching, if possible. More vacuuming is better than less if your pet shows signs of flea activity and spends time indoors.

Dispose of the contents of the vacuum away from areas your pet might move through so as to avoid picking up the fleas and bringing them back in – hence get rid of the contents as far from your property as you can. Alternatively, you can hire professionals from firms that can provide preventative pest control services for homes and businesses. They can do the necessary treatment in and around your property that can remove the flea population.

  1. Wash Pet Bedding

If you pet has a bed you need to pay particular attention to that item of bedding and it’s immediate surrounds as this is where most fleas and eggs are going to initially end up.

You want to wash pet bedding with a good strong soap in a machine if possible. The fleas don’t like water and will try to escape the water if you soak the bedding in a tub. If you stick bedding in a machine the fleas and eggs will be washed down the drains. Fleas don’t necessarily drown straight off – they can survive for hours submerged. If they come round in the sewer that is better than coming around on your property.

  1. Setting Flea Traps Using Dish Soap

Sounds like an old wives tale, right? Flea traps? These things actually work! Here is the skinny – fleas are attracted to light so you hang a light bulb or place a desk lamp at a spot and then under the light you place a shallow bowl filled with water and a bit of dish soap. The fleas come to investigate the light source and jump into the water. Only this time the water has soap in it that reduces surface tension so the fleas sink on landing and become engulfed in the water. At this stage the flea goes into a type of catatonic survival mode and looks dead – but fleas can survive underwater for hours! In the morning you need to flush them fleas down the drain so when they come to they are relocated well away from your place!

Check out this youtube vid :
  1. Consider Getting Carpets and Soft Furnishings Professionally Cleaned

So you have identified a potential problem and taken action by treating your animal and getting the house treated with a fogger, what next? Get the place professionally cleaned to make sure any flea eggs are removed – as well as all the other benefits of having your carpets cleaned like removing toxins, molds, etc.

Once you know you pet is clear of infestation nd you have removed the majority of fleas that might be in your home by vacuum, washing, traps and fogger then give it the once over by a professional carpet cleaner to remove the risk of infestation caused by the odd flea egg or surviving larvae.

If you follow these basic tips hopefully your summer won’t become a battle to free your house of these dirty parasites!

Benefits Of Waterproof Spray Impacts All Areas Of Life

A person is always judged by his appearance that is his clothes and shoes. As correctly said, the first impression is the last impression. A person should always be conscious of his outer look. The clothes and the appearance communicate volumes about an individual. Subconsciously it has a strong impact on an individual’s mind that is the person who wears it and the person who see it. It is irrespective of the fashion being carried on; the dressing has to be apt. It raises the confidence level of a person to a newer level making that person feel self-empowered.

The apt dressing can be defined as clothes proper ironed and preserved. The quality of the cloth defines its outlook. To make appear the clothing perfect, use of waterproof spray for clothes is a very accountable option. The waterproof spray for clothes work wonders in maintaining the quality and durability of clothes, jackets etc.

Why use Water-repellent spray?

The waterproof spray alongside clothes is applied to sofa, furniture, glass, car, shoes etc. This helps make fabric and object water-resilient, stain free, grease free. The waterproof spray assists in protecting the fabric as well as other materials in all season. In a country like Australia, where weather is uncertain, wearing clothes that are covered with waterproof spray works as a shield in protecting the body against all odds. The waterproof fabric contains a durable water repellent coating which keeps the fabric free from dirt, oil, sweat, etc. It helps to increase the lifespan of a fabric making the outfit durable for longer wear.

There Australia-based companies which manufacture the spray which is natural, non-toxic and harmless to human health. This spray helps the window look salt-free, stain free and away from dirt particles.

A person who is a travel freak, mostly involved in tracking, hiking, camping, adventure sports, water sports, etc. applying waterproof spray on the clothes, jackets, bag packs, make him tension-free irrespective of the weather being faced. To say the least, this spray is as important as a tube for a non-swimmer, who happens to be a dire lover of water activities. Just like a tube, which can be sourced easily from a river tube rental, helps keep the person afloat on water, so does this spray in keeping the people protected.

Types of waterproof spray

Unlike any other products, the waterproof spray also has several types. The customer needs to select the best amongst all after the appropriate research and review. The spray used for the car makes it appear highly polished and shiny. Some people may even prefer ceramic coating which can improve a car’s exterior finish as well as make it waterproof. One can search for a ceramic coating company in Fayetteville NC, or elsewhere to find such service providers in their close vicinity. Moreover, the basic purpose of applying waterproof spray is to prevent it from scratch, pollution, dirt, etc. NANODIAMOND is one such product that is specifically designed for paint protection.

It has specially designed products for glass coating protection. This provides a ceramic coating around glass surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen as well as steel and plastic. There are various water-repellent sprays; some of them are 303 Fabric Guard, Star Brite Waterproofing Spray with PTEF, Nikwax TX Direct Spray-On, and NANODIAMOND etc.

Services provided

There are companies that provide coating services with waterproof spray. For instance, an automobile company may provide Ceramic Coating Sydney (or in other locations) for waterproofing and scratch-proofing. Similarly, other companies can provide coating services for a sofa, furniture, window glass, wall, kitchen, etc. The applicators visiting from the company are well-trained professionals. They are well versed with the standards and outlook to be maintained. The companies provide varied services like:

  • High-quality Ceramic coating
  • Shiny clear finish
  • Self-Cleaning
  • Anti-Graffiti
  • Scratch resistance coating
  • 10 years warranty with Permanent Protection coating
  • 100% Environment-friendly
  • Colour protection from UV rays
  • Protection from Chemical
  • Highly protective in extreme weather
  • Temperature resistant

The companies in Australia provide employment opportunities to the youth of the country to join as approved applicators. A person joining the company is provided an apt training and a certificate of the approved applicator. There are financial rewards and incentives that withhold the person, motivating him to work towards the expected goal.

Top 5 easy ways to keep your home clean

Kitchen Cleaning Eureka CA

Oh boy! Where do I start? Isn’t this a question we ask ourselves when we plan to clean our house? Even though cleaning is a chore that leaves us exhausted, it can be less tedious. These are a few tips to keep your house clean with diligence.

Making the bed

As soon as we wake up, the first thing we do is to rush to get ready for work or get our kids ready for school. I would say begin with your bedroom. When you wake up, make your bed before you leave the bedroom. You will be happy to come back to an already made bed at the end of the day. If your children are old enough, this will be a wonderful habit to develop. Teach them and put this into practice to make their bed every morning before they leave their bedroom.

Clearing the mess in Kitchen

The kitchen gets easily dirty and unorganized. Apply clean as you go plan for the kitchen. When you drop something on the kitchen counter or stove, clean it right away before it gets dried up. Keep the kitchen counter clear from clutter by keeping things back in place. Do not leave containers, spoons, knives, or kitchen towels on the counter; place it back where it belongs. This way it is easy to de-clutter, and you will always have a less messy kitchen. Do not leave utensils in the sink. If you don’t have time to clean them right away, pour water on the dishes so that they don’t dry up. If you have a dishwasher, arrange the dishes in a dishwasher. After your dinner, turn the dishwasher ON or wash the dishes. If you don’t have a dishwasher then it may be worth the purchase if you have a busy life and would rather spend that time that you would normally on washing dishes doing something more productive or fun. Furthermore, if you do decide to buy a dishwasher then make sure that you get it installed by using a company like this one so that you can have your dishes washed without any issues suddenly occuring! Finally, don’t forget to wipe the kitchen counters and cabinets, and mop the kitchen floor before you switch off the kitchen lights. Having a good vacuum cleaner too helps when you want to make sure that your house is clean.

Place things where they belong

Always have a definite place for each item in the house. Newspapers should be in the newspaper rack, pen and pencil should be in the pen holder, shoes should be in the shoe rack, T.V and music system remotes should be in the remote stand, and so on. After using each item, ensure they are back in place. This rule should be applicable to all family members. There will be less clutter, and your house will look organized. You could add some neon lighting from or similar sites to make the space look even more inviting. Also, if everything is kept in its place, you don’t have to waste time placing things back in place. You only have to wipe away the dust that settles on these things.


Place toiletries in one place after daily use. Daily clean the toilet seat and washbasin for hygiene reasons. Do not let water collect on your bathroom floor. Ensure that you leave the bathroom floor to dry while leaving the house. For working women and men, it is not possible to clean the entire bathroom every day. However, you can ensure a few basic things like your mirror, toilet seat, and washbasin are clean and the toiletries and essentials are set in place every day. You should also remember to refill your B-6699 toilet tissue dispenser, or any others you have, once the current roll of tissues has run out.


Doing your laundry depends on how many members you have in your house and how many clothes get accumulated in a day. If you have a small family with just 2-3 members, you can wash once in 2 or 3 days. However, if you have a big family then put your clothes in the washing machine every day. To reduce drying time, soften clothes, and prevent your laundry from clumping inside the dryer, you can use rubber or wool dryer balls. Also, make it a habit for all your family members to place their dirty laundry in the laundry bag or hamper. This way you don’t have to go into each room to collect the laundry. Keep the laundry bag near the washing machine.

These are few things that you can do every day to keep your house clean. It doesn’t have to be a once in a week chore. The once in a week cleaning chore will get more easy if these things are followed every day. Happy Cleaning!

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