Making Spring Cleaning Easier for You

A Guide to Spring Cleaningspring cleaning tips

Though there are many newer products that make cleaning easy, you might want to consider a more old-school alternative. Here are some household supplies you can use.

White Vinegar: Vinegar helps prevent the growth of mildew and mold, so use it to wipe down counter tops. If you mix it with warm water it can also be used to clean windows and mirrors.

Baking Soda: For baking soda, you can make a paste to clean spots from washable wallpaper, or you can mix it with water to clean dirty grout.

Hydrogen Peroxide: It’s a great disinfectant that you can use on many surfaces, but did you know you can mix a tablespoon of it with ¼ cup of water and spray it on fruits and vegetables to kill bacteria? Just make sure to rinse well after you apply it.


Here are some tips and tricks for your spring cleaning to-dos.

Clearing Clutter and Organizing During Spring Cleaning
Getting rid of clutter is one of the key points of spring cleaning. So box up items you don’t need. Get rid of clothes you haven’t worn for a year. Plan a garage sale, or donate items to a second hand store. Then you get your steam mop out similar to those you’d see reviewed at Clean4Happy and start cleaning with fewer obstacles in your way. This will make the rest of the cleaning process a lot easier. Having a reliable vacuum cleaner will help. I hear Vacuum cleaners in India are reliable and worth reading about.

Cleaning Windows
It’s safe to say window tinting Mishawaka is one of the most popular home improvement searches on Google at the moment. With that in mind, it’s important to keep those beautifully tinted windows sparklingly clean. Window cleaning is much easier when you use a rubber-edged squeegee, and they are much more effective than a cloth or paper towel. First, put a few drops of a mild soap into a bucket of warm water and wet your sponge. (You can also add a bit of vinegar to the mix for an extra clean.) Rub away dirt, then dampen the squeegee and, starting at an upper corner, draw it down the pane from top to bottom. Repeat, making sure to overlap strokes and wipe the rubber edge with the sponge after each stroke. Dry window sills with a cloth. It is best to clean your windows on a cloudy day, or else the cleaner dries too fast and leaves streaks.

Wash Your Blinds
You should wash your blinds once or twice a year. For wooden blinds, a few drops of wood cleaner on a nearly dry sponge will work. Aluminum blinds can be washed outdoors. Place them on a slanted surface and scrub with water and a noncorrosive cleaner. Rinse well with a hose and then dry thoroughly with a towel to prevent rust. Fortunately, the blinds offered at are extremely durable.

Refreshing Window Treatments
Typically, curtains and drapes don’t get dirty enough to launder. Instead, use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to remove dust and dirt. You can also have them steam or dry-cleaned. If you are replacing heavy curtains with lighter ones for the warmer weather, then it is especially important to make sure they are clean before storing them away. For removing dust from sheer curtains, put them in the dryer on low with a fabric-softener sheet.

Cleaning Out the Refrigerator
This task may seem daunting, but it will seem more manageable if you break it down. You should wipe up spills immediately so the surface doesn’t become stained. Make it a habit to check your fridge once a week for old food. Wash the interior with a solution of 2tbsp of baking soda for every quart of warm water. Wash the removable shelves in this solution (But let the glass shelves come to room temperature first to prevent cracking.) Loosen hard spills with the solution, allowing the residue to soften. Scrub the crannies with a toothbrush. Also, vacuum or brush the dust from the condenser coils to keep the system from overheating.

Sanitize the Sink
Did you know that your dirty kitchen sink has more bacteria than your toilet seat? To disinfect, clean your sink with soap and water first, then spray a mist of vinegar followed by a mist of hydrogen peroxide, then let air dry. (Do not mix the vinegar and H2O2 together, spray one and then the other.) If your sink is stainless steel, make it sparkle afterward by putting a few drops of mineral oil on a soft cloth and buffing. This prevents water build up, which deters mold and keeps the sink looking clean.

Dusting Tips
Always go from top to bottom to prevent having to go over surfaces more than once. Sometimes you will have to wet dust after dry dusting, but always dry dust first.

When dusting, don’t overdo the polish. When using a furniture oil or polish, be sure not to overuse the product; it can lead to a buildup on your furniture or clouding of the wood surfaces. Using just a dry microfiber cloth will actually pick up more dust and keep your furniture looking nice. You could also use fabric softener sheets as a substitute for more expensive electrostatic cloths. For ceiling fans, slip a pillowcase around the blade to keep the dust from going anywhere. For light fixtures and lightbulbs that are grimy, dampen your cloth with vinegar.

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