Clean Oven Grease Naturally

Use Natural Solutions to Get off Oven Grease

Have you ever gone to use your oven, and were totally grossed out by all the caked on oven grease? Is your oven a self-cleaning oven, and yet it still doesn’t ever seem to really get clean? Did you know many repairman have been called out due to the self cleaning function on ovens, because the high temperatures it takes to clean off oven grease are especially hard on the oven itself.

Well, I have a tip to help you fight oven grease cheaply and naturally! However, before you begin going through them, keep in mind that it is important for you to keep your oven clean. If you allow grease buildup, then there is a good possibility that your device might soon start acting up, leading you to opt for Appliance Repair Services. Even worse, grease buildup can lead you to get the device replaced. That is why, it is prudent for you to clean the appliance at regular intervals. As said earlier, I have the below-mentioned tips ready for you to make your job easy.

oven grease

Instead of using harsh cleaners and chemicals, why not use the ever-so-handy baking soda! Conventional oven cleaners will dissolve the toughest oven messes, but they are packed full of corrosive chemicals like lye that are dangerous, especially if you have young children. Baking soda is a natural, chemical-free alternative that will make your cleaning job safer.

Just sprinkle it in the oven then scrub down with a soapy, mildly abrasive sponge! For harder spots inside the oven, use a fine grade steel wool instead of a sponge since the inside surfaces might need more abrasion to take off the grime. No need for the toxic cleaners, and your oven grease won’t stand a chance!

There are other natural cleaners for your oven as well. Baking lemons in water for 30 minutes gets rid of bad smells. Non-toxic dish soap (find them on is also good for grease, and is derived from plant sources that dissolve fat. For a more powerful cleaner, try mixing vinegar with baking soda (Dilute the vinegar first or it may “erupt” on you like a 2nd grade volcano experiment!) and apply with a sponge, then leave it to sit for a while. This will definitely make cleaning those caked-on stains much easier and less of a chore. Cleaning your oven regularly can help to avoid any malfunctions happening and causing you to have to buy a brand new oven constantly. Having a home warranty plan can help this too, where you can get a home warranty florida, texas, and many other states, which will help you to get your oven replaced or fixed if it were to breakdown. However, it is always best to try and avoid this from happening with proper cleaning and maintenance.

For more natural cleaning tips, check out some of our other posts, like Cleaning Your Dishwasher or 30 Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide.

How To Clean Your Dishwasher and More!

Read These Steps to Clean Your Dishwasher and Prolong It’s Life!

clean your dishwasher
Dishwashers are extremely convenient kitchen tools to have around. It takes the chore out of washing your dirty dishes, leaving you more time to do other activities. Still, did you know that your dishwasher gets dirtier even as it’s cleaning your dishes? It seems strange, with it running hot water and soap frequently, but that actually doesn’t clean your dishwasher. Read these steps to take care of bacteria and get your dirty dishwasher clean again.

First, take out the bottom rack so you an examine the drain area for chunks of food that can plug the drain. It’s very important that you keep the drains clear, as clogging can cause damage to the pump and anything hard can also scratch your dishes. You would be surprised at the list of things dishwasher repairmen find in the drains-bones, chipped pieces of glass, crab shells, and even bits of gravel! This is just some of what those who provide a blocked drain service in Coogee have found down the drains. If you start smelling an unpleasant odor from your dishwasher or sink area and it is slow to drain, this could be due to a drain blockage further down the system causing wastewater or sewage to be backed up into your home. This is something you’ll want to get seen to by professionals as soon as you notice the problem. Those in the UK could enlist the help of this drain unblocking company in Essex.

Second, fill a cup with white vinegar and set it on the top rack of your dishwasher. Set it to the highest temperature available then run the dishwasher through a cycle. For this process, the only thing that should be in the dishwasher is one cup. With the cycle running, the vinegar will help clean your dishwasher by removing any loose grime, sanitizing your dishwasher, and helping to remove any musty odors.

Third, after sanitizing with vinegar, fill a cup with baking soda then sprinkle that around the bottom of the dishwasher. Run it through a short but complete cycle on the highest temperature. The baking soda will clean your dishwasher by refreshing the smell inside and brighten the insides by removing stains.

Here are some tips for preventing build-up in your dishwasher and prolonging that visit from the mechanic. Making sure you clean your dishwasher regularly will ensure a long life for your appliance.

1. Run your garbage disposal before every dishwashing. Since the dishwasher drains to the same pipe as your sink, make sure you keep the drain clear to prevent clogging and to stop you from needing to have a drain cleaning Brooklyn service come and sort it out for you.

2. Run the sink until the water gets hot. Running the water before starting the dishwasher will get you cleaner dishes because the cycle will start out hot. If you’re worried about wasting all that water, you could always put a bucket under the faucet and use it to water your plants.

3. Set your water to start at the right temperature. Check the thermostat on your water heater. Water that is cooler than 120F (50C) won’t clean well enough, but the water that is any hotter may scald.

4. Don’t pack your dishes too tightly. It’s good to run full loads to conserve energy and water, but if you pack your dishes too tight you may not be getting them adequately clean.

5. Don’t prewash your dishes before putting them in your dishwasher. Consider this for a second, detergent requires grease to do its job. If you wash all the grease before cleaning them in the dishwasher, then the detergent will start to foam up during the cycle, which is bad for your dishwasher.

Now that you have gone through all that trouble to clean your dishwasher, have some fun with these tips and tricks the next time you feel like experimenting.

1. Wash hats! Baseball caps usually don’t hold up in the washer, but they do hold their shape fairly well in the dishwasher. Just run your hats through the rinse cycle once, but don’t use soap.

2. Steam salmon! Wrap your salmon well with tin foil and your favorite marinade. Be sure to seal it well. Run a full cycle, drying process included (don’t add soap though, of course). This will steam your salmon perfectly; it will be moist and it won’t leave that fishy smell in your kitchen.

3. Clean vacuum attachments! Make sure to shake all the loose dust and hair into the garbage first so you don’t have to clean your dishwasher out again. Put the attachments in the silverware basket, then run a cycle.

4. Wash your kids toys! Small plastic toys like Hot Wheels or action figures can go into the cutlery closure. You could also put them in a mesh bag or the plastic basket. This can be done for pet toys, too!

5. Wash your potatoes! Instead of having to wash them individually by hand, set them on the top rack and run them through the rinse cycle.

6. Make yourself a warming oven! If you are expecting a company and don’t have enough ovens to keep all your hard-cooked dishes warm, try putting some in the dishwasher on the dry cycle (make sure you don’t set it to wash), and you have yourself a makeshift warming oven.

7. Wash gardening tools! Garden and household tools can go into the dishwasher if they have plastic handles. If there’s any chance that they have chemicals on them, make sure to wash them separate from your dishes, then make sure you keep your tools safe and dry in a garden shed.

8. Wash your light fixtures! Wash your light fixtures in a very gentle setting. This is much easier than dusting them.

9. Wash thongs, wellies, and crocs! Run a wash cycle with a small amount of baking soda to clean any plastic footwear you have.

10. Wash combs or hairbrushes! Combs and hairbrushes made of plastic material are dishwasher safe and can go in the cutlery tray to be washed. Don’t use wood or boar-bristle brushes, as that can damage your brush. Protect the drain by removing all the hair from the hairbrushes first.

NOTE: For most of these items, you should wash them separately from your regular dishes.

Be clean and have fun!

If you liked this post, you should check out some of our other posts like our Guide for Spring Cleaning or how to Clean Oven Grease Naturally.

30 Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide

Get the Most Out of Your Hydrogen Peroxide With These 30 Tips

hydrogen peroxideToday I will be giving you some tips on cleaning with the miracle compound H2O2, also known as hydrogen peroxide. This product is used in tons of cleaners today; you can always spot the brands that contain H2O2 because they have “Oxy” in the name. Hydrogen peroxide is a great cleaner that you’re able to use in any room of the house. It’s safe for kids and pets, cheap, readily available, and best of all, it actually works! However, getting it in your eyes can cause damage so keeping it away from the face is advised; when using the substance in laboratories, being positioned close to a storemasta eyewash station safety shower would be a good health and safety measure to avoid permanent damage. Here are some interesting facts about hydrogen peroxide:

  • Because hydrogen peroxide is basically the same chemical makeup as water (with an extra oxygen atom), it breaks down quickly and harmlessly in oxygen and water.
  • You can find it in all living matter
  • Your body’s white blood cells naturally produce H2O2 to fight bacteria/infections.
  • Vegetables and Fruit naturally produce H2O2. This is why it is so healthy to eat fresh produce, among other things.
  • It is found in large doses in a mother’s first milk, and when fed to the baby it boosts their immune system.

The different uses for hydrogen peroxide are endless. Here are a couple of ideas you can utilize the next time you grab a bottle of this miracle cleaner.

In the Kitchen
1. Clean sponges of bacteria. Sponges get gross after a couple weeks of use, so use hydrogen peroxide to revitalize your sponges. Soak them in a mixture of half H2O2 and half warm water for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

2. Wash your fruit and vegetables naturally. Add ¼ cup to a sink full of cold water, then rinse thoroughly afterwards.

3. Add a couple of ounces of H2O2 to the detergent before turning on your dishwasher for a sanitizing boost. You can also make your dish soap more sanitizing by adding 2 oz of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to the bottle.

4. Clean your kitchen appliances with hydrogen peroxide. It’s great for cleaning places that you store and cook food because hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic.

5. Remove gunk from pots/pans by combining hydrogen peroxide with baking soda until you get a paste. Rub this onto the dirty dish and let it sit for a while. After enough time has passed (it really depends on how baked-on the gunk was), grab a sponge and some warm water and the gunk should wipe right off.

6. Clean your countertop and cutting boards. Let the hydrogen peroxide bubble for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse like normal.

7. Wipe your kids’ lunch boxes/bags with hydrogen peroxide to sanitize.

8. Just like using lemon juice on apples, you can use hydrogen peroxide on your leftover salads to keep them from wilting. Use a mixture of one tbsp of H2O2 to half a cup of water and spritz your salad to keep it looking and tasting fresh.

In the Bathroom
9. Freshen your breath by using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. It will kill the bacteria that causes halitosis.

10. Between uses, soak your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide to keep it clean. This will also prevent the transfer of germs. This is an extremely tip to use if your family has a cold or the flu.

11. Clean your toilet bowl. Pour ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet, let stand for twenty minutes, then scrub and flush.

12. Whiten the grout in your bathtub/shower. First dry the surface well, then spray it with hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit for a while, then scrub the grout with an old toothbrush. This process may have to be repeated a few times.

13. Remove mildew and soap scum from shower curtains with hydrogen peroxide. For plastic curtains, wipe down with H2O2 and then rinse. For cloth curtains, put them in the wash with a bath towel, then add your regular detergent plus one cup of hydrogen peroxide to the rinse cycle.

14. You can kill any bacteria/viruses in your shower or tub with hydrogen peroxide. This is what the bubbling is doing!

15. Use baking soda and H2O2 to make a paste that’s good for brushing your teeth. Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide until you get a paste, then brush. This helps kill bacteria, so it’s good for the first stages of gingivitis. If you mix this solution with salt, hydrogen peroxide will work as a whitening toothpaste as well. Even though this might be another way for people to get their teeth clean, not everyone is going to feel confident in giving this a go. With that being said, it may be easier to check out sites like HTTPS://WWW.DURHAMDENTAL.NET/OUR-SERVICES/, in the hopes of booking an appointment at Durham Dental (or a local clinic). Leaving something like this to the professionals may be for the best, especially if there is uncertainty.

16. According to some physical therapists, adding ½ a bottle of H2O2 to your bath water can help to detoxify the body. Some are still skeptical about this claim, but bathing has never hurt and the addition of hydrogen peroxide will leave both you and your tub squeaky clean.

On Cloth Materials
17. Hydrogen peroxide can remove yellowing from lace curtains or tablecloths. Fill your sink with cold water and 2 cups of three percent H2O2. Soak for at least an hour, then rinse in cold water and air dry.

18. You can use hydrogen peroxide to pre-treat stains on clothing, curtains, tablecloths, etc. Soak the stain in 3% H2O2 for a little bit before tossing it in the laundry. You could also add one cup of hydrogen peroxide to your whites to boost brightness. It works just as well as the green bleach alternative.

19. Get rid of the musty smell in your bath towels. Combine ½ cup of vinegar and ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide and soak the towels for 15 minutes. Then wash normally.


20. Control the fungi in your aquarium. Don’t worry, this won’t hurt the fish any. Use sparingly in this case.

21. Dab some H2O2 onto acne or pimples to clear your skin. However, since the skin on your face is sensitive, it would be wise to use something natural, such as CBD oil or creams (available from online dispensaries like Blessed CBD), which may be less harsh on the skin and might offer better results.

22. Clean humidifiers and steamers by adding one pint of hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water, then running them.

23. Add natural highlights to your hair using hydrogen peroxide. Spray a solution of half water and half H2O2 on wet hair to create subtle, natural highlights.

24. Ward off the fungus that grows on your plants. Next time you spritz your plants, add a little hydrogen peroxide to the water to help out your plants.

25. Hydrogen peroxide helps improve the health of new sprout seeds. Use 3 percent H2O2 once a day to spritz the seed whenever you remoisten. You can also use hydrogen peroxide diluted in water to improve your plant’s root system.

26. Clean your children’s toys and play area. Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use around kids and people with respiratory problems because it isn’t a lung irritant. Spray toys, doorknobs, toyboxes, baby gates, anything your kid comes into contact with on a regular basis.

27. Help make foot fungus go away. Spray a mixture of half H2O2 and half water on your feet (especially the toes), every evening and let it dry. Alternatively, you could soak your feet in this solution to help soften calluses or disinfect wounds.

28. Remove ear wax with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and olive or almond oil. Add a few drops of oil, then H2O2. After a few minutes, tilt your head to the side to remove the wax and the solution.

29. Brighten your floors. Combine a gallon of water with ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide then scrub your floors. Because H2O2 is so mild, it is safe for all floor types, and you won’t have to rinse.

30. De-skunkify yourself with 1 qt of three percent H2O2, 1 tsp Dawn Dish Soap, ¼ cup of baking soda, and 2 quarts of warm water. Wash with this to make the skunk smell go away.

*BONUS* Follow this link to find out how to Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Treat Urine!

If you liked this post, check out some of our other helpful cleaning posts like Carpet Stain Removal Tips or our Spring Cleaning Guide.

15 (Different) Uses For Blue Dawn Dish Soap

15 Ways to use dawn dish soap

Great Cleaning Tips Using Original BLUE Dawn Dish Soap!

blue dawn dish soap

Blue Dawn Dish Soap is no longer limited to just washing your dirty dishes. While it works amazingly well for cleaning pans, pots, glass, tupperware, or any other diningware you can think of, it’s everything else it can clean that makes it so useful to have around the home. In fact, Blue Dawn is almost as versatile as baking soda when it comes to cleaning products! Here are a few tips that will make cleaning your home that much easier.

1. Pretreat Stains from Clothing or Upholstery
It seems that most stains people tend to get are oil based stains; this is one of the hardest kind of stains to get out. Some examples of oil based products that commonly end up on clothes/furniture is lipstick, butter, motor or cooking oil, grease, and certain pen inks. Dawn dish soap can take care of these stains for you! All you have to do when faced with an oily stain is apply the soap directly to the stain and scrub the spot with a toothbrush until the oil stain is removed. For clothes, launder as you normally would after this.

2. Make your ant problem disappear
Getting rid of ants is easy with Dawn Dish Soap. Spray a mixture of water and Dawn directly onto countertops, floors, sinks, or wherever the ants seem to be. This will leave behind a residue that ants refuse to walk across. It is also safe for kids and pets, so you don’t have to worry about any harsh chemicals. If you spray the solution directly on an ant, Dawn will penetrate their exoskeleton and kill them on contact. This also works for wasps and cockroaches. If you have a bigger infestation than you initially thought, you’ll want to get in contact with professional exterminator services such as pest control Olathe KS that provide their services in many other areas too!

3. Window Washing
Clean your windows like a pro with Blue Dawn! Fill a spray bottle with only three drops of Dawn to a gallon of water, then clean your windows the same as you would with any other window cleaner. This will leave your windows shiny and streak-free!

4. Remove Stains from Your Driveway
We always want to keep our driveways clean because they’re one of the first things people see when they arrive at your house. This is why people get pearland pressure washing companies to clean their driveway regularly. But what do you do if you find there’s a stain on your driveway? A lot of concern with using chemicals is whether it is biodegradable or not. There are many chemical degreasers and solvents that could get rid of outside stains, but they aren’t really good for the environment. Blue Dawn, though, is and it can take care of stains in your driveway. First, use the kitty litter method to pick up all the extra oils then use warm water and Dawn Dish Soap to further remove oils from your pavement with great effectiveness. Finish the job by using a little elbow grease and a scrub broom on the spot, and your driveway will soon by stain free!

5. Take Control of Smelly Pets and their Pesky Pests
Were you aware that Dawn can kill fleas on contact? It is not as expensive as dog/cat shampoos, and safe for the babies who are too small to be given medicine for their flea problems. For bathing larger animals, use 1 tsp per gallon of water and half a tsp for smaller animals. Make sure to rinse THOROUGHLY or the leftover residue will dry and cause mild skin irritation for your furry friend. To help add moisture to their fur and skin, finish the bath with a few drops of conditioner.

*BONUS* To completely get rid of fleas, make sure to clean any furniture your pet may use often as well as the carpets. Wash your pet beds in warm water mixed with Dawn soap. To clean carpet or upholstery, fill a 16oz spray bottle with water and 1 tsp of Dawn Dish Soap. Shake well to mix them together, then spray the solution onto whatever needs cleaned. Let this sit for 15 minutes, then wipe down with a damp towel and vacuum (for the carpet).

6. Unclog Your Drain
Instead of calling a plumber, try Dawn Dish Soap to get rid of clogs in your drain. To make the solution boil 3-4 tbsp of Dawn in a pot full of water. Pour this mixture down the clogged sink drain, but be careful not to burn yourself! This will break down most sink clogs because Dawn can break down grease. If it’s not just grease blocking pipes and there’s still a blockage then you can get Tucson plumbers to help get rid of it. Failing to address the problem in time could cause the issue to snowball and become even more costly to fix. This is why you should find professional plumbers local to you and contact them so that they can come and solve whatever plumbing problem is getting you down. Perhaps turning to the likes of Elite Plumbing in El Monte could be the solution to your problem and return your plumbing to working order once more.

7. Clean Grimy, Messy Tools
Dawn is a lifesaver for cleaning tools in your workshed because of how tough it is on grease. Right after finishing your automotive projects, soak your tools in Dawn and water to remove all the grime and oils from them. Many mechanics also claim that Dawn can keep the tools from rusting.

8. Find Leaks with Bubbles
Find a puncture in any tire by mixing Dawn Dish Soap and water and brushing the soapy mixture on the leaky tire. The exact location will be easy to find because it will bubble in that spot. You can try this same method with anything that holds air to find a hole.

9. Keep Glasses Lenses Clean and Defogged
Prevent fogging of your lenses by rubbing a drip of Dawn Dish Soap on eyeglasses and the wipe them off. This will clean them and leave a film that prevents fogging.

10. Get Gunk Out of Your Hairbrush
Mix 1 tbsp of Dawn Dish Soap, 1 tbsp of borax, and ¼ cup of water, soak your dirty combs and brushes in the mixture. Rinse well and let dry.

11. Keep Yourself Clean When Painting
Before starting a paint job, rub straight Dawn Dish Soap over your hands and arms, wherever you think paint might end up, and let dry. When you’re finished painting, any paint that may have gotten on your will wash right off your skin.

12. Clean Up Your Fireplace
You can use Dawn to remove soot that has settled or hardened onto the external bricks of your fireplace by combining equal parts Dawn Dish Soap and Morton Salt. Add enough water to this mixture to make a cream, then rub the mixture into the brick with a cloth. Wait 10 minutes, then scrub the dried solution with a stiff brush and wipe clean with a wet sponge.

13. Make Your Grill Look Good-As-New
Clean up your grill for those Sunday dinners out on the deck. First place the grease-coated grill in a trash bag that can be sealed. Using a half cup of Dawn Dish Soap to a gallon of water, pour the soapy mixture over the rack that’s inside the bag, seal it, and let it sit overnight. The next day, scrub the grill with a wire brush and rinse.

This is a giant bubble recipe used in bubble makers at many museums for children.

Gently stir a mixture of half a cup of Ultra Dawn, half a gallon of warm water, and 1 tbsp of glycerin (available at any drug store). Skim the foam off the top, because too much foam keeps bubbles from forming. Then just dip bubble wand and begin blowing. Have fun!!

15. Save the World!
Sort of at least-You can use Dawn to do your part in saving wildlife. By supporting Dawn products, you are also supporting efforts to clean oil spills and protect wildlife across the globe. Dawn Dish Soap is the preferred wildlife cleaner after an oil spill. According to the “International Bird Rescue Research Center,” Dawn is the most effective at removing grease while not harming the skin of birds. It is also biodegradable and doesn’t contain phosphates.

dawn dish soap wildlife sealDAWN WILL DONATE $500,000
Over the past year, Dawn donated a total of $500,000 ($250,000 each) to two wildlife organizations-The International Bird Rescue and The Marine Mammal Center (TMMC)- so when you’re using these tips just remember, you’re supporting a company that contributes back in a great way!

On a side note if you ever need a carpet cleaning service, and you live in the beautiful Eureka CA area. Give A-1 Cleaning Service, LLC a call. They also perform carpet cleaning in Arcata Ca.

For more great cleaning tips, see some of our other posts like our tips for Removing Grass Stains or Must Haves for Your Cleaning Kit!

Cat Urine Stains on the Carpet

Does Your Cat Keep Leaving Urine Stains on the Carpet?

cat urine stainsEver wonder why your cat always seems to leave urine stains on the carpet? Do you find yourself asking, why doesn’t my kitty at least have their accidents on the tile?

Dianda over at Cats & Co writes an interesting blog shedding light on as to why our furry friends prefer the carpet. Check it out at Cats vs. Carpets.

Most of the issues people have when it come to urine stains stem from the places that were left untreated until they became noticeable (either by discoloration or odor). Cats often times mark their territory in places other than their litter box, whether it be in the middle of your living room or in some discrete corner you can’t even see.

Before long, the microbes in the urine break down and release ammonia; this is the chemical most responsible for that cat pee smell. Even worse, at this stage mercaptan is also secreted. This chemical is the one that makes you want to run away whenever you see a skunk.

If your cat keeps making urine stains on your floor, try buying a new litter box for your furry friend. I have read that you should get a new box every six months, because cats have more sensitive noses than humans, and as such can smell some of the leftover odors in their cat boxes that we cannot. There can be many other reasons as to why your cat is urinating on your furniture. Identifying that reason can be the solution to getting your cat to use their litter box; reading this article from KittyWire can be incredibly useful in solving this issue.

And remember, if your pet has left urine stains that you just can’t seem to get up, then call us, A-1 Cleaning Service, LLC, to enzyme and steam clean those stubborn stains away!

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